Our Story: God made our dreams come true

The Beginnings

First Store
Our First Public Store

Owning a bookstore has been a long held dream for owner Dave Jones. When he married his wife, Sara, the dream began to grow. Even as their family grew, Dave began gearing up to open this storie He began scouring estate sales, flea markets, and anywhere that large amounts of used books were sold. Eventually, the book collection found a home in the basement, where Dave beagn to catoagrize and organize his stock. This is when the Bibliophile was born and made its first sales

Basement Bookstore
The Basement Bookstore

Finding The Store

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Dave stocking the shelves

The basement was rapidly running out of space, and the basement of a home was no place for a successful buisness. Dave and Sara searched for a new home for their store. They found this spot on 3rd Street in Dover, and turned it into the perfect home for their store.

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Building the Bibliophile took lots of hard work

The Store Today

Our Fiction Section

Finally, the store was ready to open! Three years ago, the grand opening launched The Bibliophile into the Dover community. Through partnerships with other local buisness, The Bibliophile is able to offer deals to their patrons. While we haven't been around for very long, we have become an important part of this community. We were even able to host a proposal, and she said yes!

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Our Children's section

Meet The Family

Family Picture
The Jones Family

Dave and Sara Jones have been married for years and live in New Phildalphia, Ohio. Dave has a day job as an organizer of grocery barcodes and other importnat information. Sara homeschools their three children and makes the most amazing bread. Nora Jones loves having a bookstore and finds it deeply unfair that she can't keep every book. Joshua's favorite books are about trucks, and he is enjoying beginning scholl. Caleb struggles to see why he isn't allowed to eat the books. He enjoys trains.